What will happen to the wood and furniture industry in Poland?
Rising prices of raw materials and problems with their availability, very high inflation and uncertainty related to the attack on Ukraine are among the main challenges that entrepreneurs face these days. The wood and furniture industry, one of the most important branches of the Polish economy, has survived the pandemic times. Will the national wood production face a cyclical crisis after an excellent year of 2021?
The wood industry, which was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the second phase of the pandemic, has had a historically good year in 2021 and the first half of this year was no worse. Excellent results achieved in an uncertain environment are the culmination of a long period of consistent expansion of Polish producers within the EU sector. And, despite the fact that the environment is constantly changing to a much less favourable one, the manufacturers of furniture are again tackling the challenges.
An example of that is this year’s edition of DREMA, the International Trade Fair of Machines, Tools and Components for the Wood and Furniture Industries, during which exhibitors will present practical solutions regarding, among others, machines and programs that optimise production, energy-saving technologies, automation and mechanisation of production processes.

Higher profits and protection of the environment
Specialists will answer questions about where the furniture industry is heading and how to prepare for new economic developments and at the same time increase revenues, during the 7th edition of the Polish Furniture Congress „Polish Furniture – Competitive Poland,” which will be held on September 14, 2022, on the second day of the DREMA fair, in pavilion 10 at the Poznań International Fair. In the present situation, the winners will be those who will put into practice the knowledge of raising funds for their business, so the event program will include lectures on subsidies for the furniture industry and multi-channel sales. The topics of subsequent speeches are dictated by skyrocketing energy prices and increasing concerns regarding the environment, which are forcing investment in renewable energy and the search for ways to use it in the furniture industry.

Knowledge applied in practice
The opportunities and constraints resulting from climate change in relation to sustainable forestry will be the subject of discussion at the international scientific conference WOOD-SCIENCE-ECONOMY organised by the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology. Presentation of the results of the latest research in the fields of woodworking, forestry and related fields, with a special focus on research with high potential for practical use in the economy will take place on September 14 and 16, 2022 in pavilion 3.

International exchange of experience
On September 15, 2022 in pavilion 3, EUROPEAN B2BWOOD SUMMIT will be held, during which owners and managers from, among others, Lithuania, Ireland, Australia and Sweden will be talking about the trends and challenges regarding delivery, artificial intelligence, and ERP and MRP for wood product inventory and sales.
Protecting native business
On September 12 at the Sheraton hotel, that is, one day before the official opening of the DREMA fair, an international conference, KOOPDREW organised by the Polish Economic Chamber of the Wood Industry and the State Forests will take place. Apart from the analysis of the situation of the wood market in Poland, the state and perspectives of the cellulose industry, there will also be discussion on the impact of the war in Ukraine on the wood market in the Baltic countries and Ukraine itself, and the consequences of Brexit. During the KOOPDREW Wood Industry Congress, the latest rapport of the experts of Bank Pekao S.A. will be introduced. A printed version of the publication can be acquired at the booth of Bank Pekao S.A. number 40 in pavilion 5.
The DREMA International Trade Fair of Machines, Tools and Components for the Wood and Furniture Industries will be held on September 13-16, 2022 at the Poznań International Fair. The fair will be an excellent opportunity