DREMA - summary of the year 2023
In the post-pandemic period, the wood and furniture sector faces many challenges, especially in the context of rising costs of raw materials, energy, labor force or legal changes. Competition in the global market is fierce, and in order for Poland to maintain a strong position, domestic companies are required to constantly adapt to changing conditions, invest in innovation and improve production efficiency.

In times of crisis, many companies are looking to save money while not wanting to give up on further growth. In the fight against market instability, knowledge and familiarity with the latest mechanisms are key. And this is where exhibitors, industry associations and media partners cooperating with the DREMA trade fair, which is the main platform for promoting the wood and furniture industry in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe, lend a helping hand. This year's event in Poznan showcased high-tech solutions, integrated systems and machinery that can significantly reduce production costs, and thus improve the efficiency and eco-efficiency of woodworking and furniture production. The exposition covered both automation and digitization of processes, robotization of workplaces, as well as the use of new materials and technologies - all to optimize production processes and support the potential for rational resource management. Companies in the wood and furniture industry in Poland are increasingly committed to introducing sustainability into their production processes, in line with growing consumer expectations and global trends. The assortment of DREMA 2023, including a wide presentation of machinery in motion, woodworking tools and equipment, a comprehensive range of supplies for furniture manufacturers (raw materials, materials, components, technologies) showed that the event is a significant support for the industry in the stage of sustainable transformation. On an area of 16,700 sqm, visitors were able to view the exhibition of nearly 400 exhibitors from 16 countries and see directly how advanced technologies are transforming the wood and furniture sector.
DREMA is also about helping those in need and acting for social good. At this year's DREMA 2023, the 16th edition of the live furniture production demonstration, under the slogan DREMA CHILDREN for Ukraine, had its finale. With the participation of more than 40 industry partners, a modern and fully robotized upholstered furniture and case furniture factory was set up in Pavilion 6A on an area of 2,000 sqm, equipped with the most advanced production technologies along with internal transport solutions. All under the supervision of dedicated production management systems along with RFID technology. Furniture production was also located in pavilion 5. Homag, as a partner of the event, produced shelving units presenting the technological process from a sheet of furniture board to a package of furniture. DROMA Association companies presented the processing of plywood furniture components. Partners, students and pupils working together in a live furniture factory produced more than 100 sets of furniture for charity.
This year also saw the launch of the #LAS DREMA project - actions were taken to foster the safeguarding of wood resources and create a public debate on sustainable policies based on ecological values and respect for the environment. DREMA 2023 participants received dedicated pencils containing spruce seeds. From the pencils, once the cartridge is used up and placed in the ground, real trees will begin to grow. On the last day, a symbolic planting of the pencils along with tree seedlings took place in a specially prepared space, thus giving rise to a multi-faceted cooperation in the reforestation of the Wielkopolska region.
The DREMA trade fair is a response to market demand and, at the same time, a place where current trends in the wood and furniture industry are at your "fingertips." The 2023 edition confirmed that the combination of innovation and practical education is fundamental to the future of the furniture industry in our country. In order to better support and motivate Polish representatives of the wood and furniture industry in these difficult times, we are coming out with the DREMA Tour initiative. This is the largest and most important series of events dedicated to the wood and furniture industry in Poland planned for 2024, supported by market leaders: woodworking companies and furniture manufacturers, as well as key associations and professional media. Challenges related to the crisis in the industry mobilize companies to look for more and more economical and effective solutions, which will be available as part of the DREMA Tour in three cities: in Katowice (April 19-21, 2024, DREMASILESIA trade fair), Lublin (June 21-22, 2024, LUBDREW trade fair), and Poznan (September 10-13, 2024, DREMA trade fair). You are cordially invited to participate in the DREMA TOUR 2024!
Andrzej Półrolniczak, director of the DREMA and DREMASILESIA trade fairs and president of the DROMA Association of Woodworking Machinery, Devices and Tools.