
Digital Carpentry Workshop


At DREMA 2024, you will see in action an innovative, modular digital carpentry workshop that can grow as demand with your business. This revolutionary solution allows you to start with a single module, which can be expanded over time to suit your current needs.

Już ubiegłoroczna DREMA udowodniła jak wiele operacji pomocniczych, które do tej pory było wykonywane przez pracowników w firmach, takich jak załadunek, czy transport produktów i surowców na terenie zakładu, może odbywa się z wykorzystaniem robotów.

Last year's DREMA already proved how many auxiliary operations that were previously performed by employees in companies, such as loading or transporting products and raw materials within the plant, can be carried out with the use of robots.

This year at the DREMA Trade Fair you will be able to see how industry problems can be solved in a compact and robotic way in small carpentry workshops. A special presentation space - innovative, modular, digital carpentry shop from INFOTEC, will work to showcase compact, cost-saving solutions for small manufacturing plants.

This innovative solution completely revolutionises the technological process of furniture production. Digital control makes it possible to design the production steps in such a way as to reduce costs and operating personnel as much as possible.

Dzięki modułowej budowie łatwo dopasować system do potrzeb danej produkcji, a także można w razie potrzeby bez problemu rozbudować go o kolejne moduły. Rozpoczęcie produkcji mebli nigdy nie było tak proste. Modułowa, cyfrowa stolarnia to ciekawa alternatywa dla budowy czy rozbudowy zakładów produkcyjnych. Rozwiązanie kierowane jest głównie do mniejszych podmiotów gospodarczych.

These are not just machines – this is a space that develops and adapts with you

  • Modular : You buy what you need now and expand in the future.
  • Flexibility : Modules can be adapted to any space.
  • Work optimization : Minimizing employment.
  • Digitalization : The digital management system facilitates control over production processes.
  • Mobility : You can change the configuration and location depending on your needs.

As part of the presentation of these solutions, it will also be possible to see how furniture can be produced on these devices in trade fair conditions. All products will be donated to the beneficiaries of the Drema Dzieciom (Drema for Children) campaign.
