About the fair
DREMA International Trade Fair of Machines, Tools and Components for the Wood and Furniture Industries is the most anticipated meeting for the wood and furniture industries in Poland and at the same time the largest supply center for furniture manufacturers in Central and Eastern Europe.
DREMA Trade Fair 09-12 September 2025
DREMA International Trade Fair of Machines, Tools and Components for the Wood and Furniture Industries is one of the world's largest exhibitions dedicated to the woodworking industry and the only event in Poland to be recommended by the EUMABOIS federation!
DREMA is a prestigious space for the presentation of tomorrow's technologies and solutions dedicated to the woodworking, furniture and sawmilling and wood energy industries, complemented by machines for cutting and sewing fabrics, components for furniture production and furniture accessories, as well as adhesives and varnishes.
The DREMA trade fair is not only an exhibition of machines and technological novelties, but also conferences, debates and training sessions. The four-day programme of the DREMA trade fair is built every year in cooperation with experts and key organisations, associations and institutions of the wood and furniture industries.

The DREMA International Trade Fair of Machines, Tools and Components for the Wood and Furniture Industries is a comprehensive offer for both large and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Global brands, market leaders and companies focusing on innovation, development and lasting business relationships will visit Poznań from 9 to 12 September 2025! Your company cannot be missing from this group!

According to the latest data from trade fair institutions, the DREMA exhibition ranks 5th in the ranking of the world's most important expositions, right next to Germany's LIGNA, Italy's XYLEXPO, America's IWF Atlanta or China's WMF Shanghai.The prestige of the Poznań exhibition is also underlined by the fact that it is the only event in Poland to be present on the list of 14 world exhibitions dedicated to the woodworking industry, officially endorsed by the European Federation of Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers EUMABOIS.

DREMA 2024, together with the Furnica and Sofab trade fairs, will allow for a comprehensive presentation of technological solutions for the woodworking and furniture industry (from raw materials, materials and components to high-tech machinery and equipment for furniture production).The Poznań trade fair will present solutions dedicated to wood processing, the furniture and sawmill industry and wood energy.
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